date value vard vardd 09/1974 1876 title Electricity, gas, water and waste services (D); Electricity 12/1974 1871 narrow cat. Gross Value Added by Industry, Chain volume measures 03/1975 1865 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product 06/1975 1866 unit $ Millions 09/1975 1889 prices Chain volume measure 12/1975 1928 source ABS 03/1976 1971 dataset 5206.0 06/1976 2020 seriestype Trend 09/1976 2056 12/1976 2090 03/1977 2121 06/1977 2146 09/1977 2170 12/1977 2199 03/1978 2238 06/1978 2281 09/1978 2316 12/1978 2340 03/1979 2369 06/1979 2406 09/1979 2446 12/1979 2476 03/1980 2492 06/1980 2518 09/1980 2566 12/1980 2625 03/1981 2677 06/1981 2706 09/1981 2726 12/1981 2748 03/1982 2766 06/1982 2784 09/1982 2791 12/1982 2792 03/1983 2803 06/1983 2833 09/1983 2886 12/1983 2943 03/1984 2996 06/1984 3036 09/1984 3070 12/1984 3111 03/1985 3166 06/1985 3226 09/1985 3263 12/1985 3279 03/1986 3310 06/1986 3357 09/1986 3397 12/1986 3419 03/1987 3450 06/1987 3521 09/1987 3605 12/1987 3659 03/1988 3666 06/1988 3662 09/1988 3718 12/1988 3821 03/1989 3916 06/1989 3961 09/1989 3977 12/1989 4012 03/1990 4063 06/1990 4101 09/1990 4124 12/1990 4119 03/1991 4117 06/1991 4133 09/1991 4169 12/1991 4206 03/1992 4232 06/1992 4246 09/1992 4262 12/1992 4305 03/1993 4355 06/1993 4421 09/1993 4486 12/1993 4514 03/1994 4511 06/1994 4512 09/1994 4537 12/1994 4587 03/1995 4618 06/1995 4633 09/1995 4651 12/1995 4671 03/1996 4671 06/1996 4659 09/1996 4627 12/1996 4605 03/1997 4635 06/1997 4726 09/1997 4832 12/1997 4897 03/1998 4908 06/1998 4900 09/1998 4916 12/1998 4962 03/1999 5001 06/1999 5021 09/1999 5038 12/1999 5084 03/2000 5167 06/2000 5231 09/2000 5256 12/2000 5238 03/2001 5186 06/2001 5164 09/2001 5170 12/2001 5189 03/2002 5210 06/2002 5237 09/2002 5260 12/2002 5240 03/2003 5181 06/2003 5155 09/2003 5193 12/2003 5276 03/2004 5342 06/2004 5362 09/2004 5347 12/2004 5352 03/2005 5387 06/2005 5432 09/2005 5487 12/2005 5564 03/2006 5643 06/2006 5695 09/2006 5692 12/2006 5639 03/2007 5597 06/2007 5615 09/2007 5700 12/2007 5757 03/2008 5786 06/2008 5842 09/2008 5949 12/2008 6055 03/2009 6101 06/2009 6110 09/2009 6135 12/2009 6137 03/2010 6148 06/2010 6147 09/2010 6136 12/2010 6144 03/2011 6129 06/2011 6091 09/2011 6046 12/2011 6021 03/2012 6023 06/2012 6017 09/2012 5993 12/2012 5962 03/2013 5931 06/2013 5898 09/2013 5864 12/2013 5834 03/2014 5815 06/2014 5801 09/2014 5802 12/2014 5823 03/2015 5860 06/2015 5915 09/2015 5960 12/2015 5977 03/2016 5975 06/2016 5958 09/2016 5962 12/2016 5952 03/2017 5905 06/2017 5853 09/2017 5813 12/2017 5813 03/2018 5842 06/2018 5856 09/2018 5896 12/2018 5918 03/2019 5870