date value vard vardd 09/1985 1161 title Households; Final consumption expenditure - Furnishings and household equipment 12/1985 1516 narrow cat. State Final Demand, Detailed Components: Victoria 03/1986 1084 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product 06/1986 1222 unit $ Millions 09/1986 1230 prices Chain volume measures 12/1986 1477 source ABS 03/1987 1102 dataset 5206.0 06/1987 1157 seriestype Original 09/1987 1209 12/1987 1498 03/1988 1098 06/1988 1196 09/1988 1192 12/1988 1557 03/1989 1133 06/1989 1230 09/1989 1202 12/1989 1560 03/1990 1106 06/1990 1164 09/1990 1099 12/1990 1382 03/1991 1017 06/1991 1086 09/1991 1129 12/1991 1362 03/1992 1081 06/1992 1114 09/1992 1130 12/1992 1400 03/1993 1161 06/1993 1236 09/1993 1186 12/1993 1430 03/1994 1071 06/1994 1094 09/1994 1131 12/1994 1355 03/1995 1115 06/1995 1182 09/1995 1169 12/1995 1404 03/1996 1125 06/1996 1156 09/1996 1169 12/1996 1452 03/1997 1203 06/1997 1242 09/1997 1277 12/1997 1575 03/1998 1214 06/1998 1244 09/1998 1287 12/1998 1567 03/1999 1297 06/1999 1339 09/1999 1403 12/1999 1739 03/2000 1336 06/2000 1448 09/2000 1312 12/2000 1754 03/2001 1430 06/2001 1481 09/2001 1569 12/2001 1908 03/2002 1587 06/2002 1697 09/2002 1686 12/2002 2030 03/2003 1651 06/2003 1732 09/2003 1737 12/2003 2115 03/2004 1796 06/2004 1781 09/2004 1863 12/2004 2259 03/2005 1824 06/2005 1925 09/2005 1840 12/2005 2133 03/2006 1784 06/2006 1888 09/2006 1965 12/2006 2369 03/2007 1942 06/2007 1940 09/2007 2059 12/2007 2509 03/2008 2056 06/2008 2086 09/2008 2093 12/2008 2549 03/2009 1994 06/2009 2090 09/2009 2119 12/2009 2670 03/2010 2176 06/2010 2273 09/2010 2353 12/2010 2845 03/2011 2309 06/2011 2458 09/2011 2537 12/2011 3111 03/2012 2498 06/2012 2488 09/2012 2516 12/2012 2939 03/2013 2477 06/2013 2509 09/2013 2592 12/2013 3072 03/2014 2546 06/2014 2632 09/2014 2716 12/2014 3355 03/2015 2740 06/2015 2773 09/2015 2857 12/2015 3472 03/2016 2823 06/2016 2836 09/2016 2891 12/2016 3567 03/2017 2883 06/2017 2975 09/2017 2956 12/2017 3725 03/2018 3060 06/2018 3170 09/2018 3186 12/2018 3874 03/2019 3107 06/2019 3194 09/2019 3175 12/2019 3935 03/2020 3210 06/2020 3463 09/2020 3070 12/2020 4220 03/2021 3279 06/2021 3279 09/2021 3030 12/2021 4159 03/2022 3476 06/2022 3423 09/2022 3311 12/2022 3993 03/2023 3161 06/2023 3098 09/2023 3209