date value vard vardd 09/1985 1677 title Households; Final consumption expenditure - Hotels - cafes and restaurants 12/1985 1714 narrow cat. State Final Demand, Detailed Components: Victoria 03/1986 1717 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product 06/1986 1766 unit $ Millions 09/1986 1649 prices Chain volume measures 12/1986 1659 source ABS 03/1987 1681 dataset 5206.0 06/1987 1700 seriestype Seasonally Adjusted 09/1987 1714 12/1987 1713 03/1988 1713 06/1988 1750 09/1988 1799 12/1988 1822 03/1989 1874 06/1989 1880 09/1989 1879 12/1989 1893 03/1990 1907 06/1990 1868 09/1990 1838 12/1990 1811 03/1991 1803 06/1991 1829 09/1991 1893 12/1991 1919 03/1992 1911 06/1992 1797 09/1992 1767 12/1992 1837 03/1993 1828 06/1993 1863 09/1993 1891 12/1993 1877 03/1994 1894 06/1994 1973 09/1994 2074 12/1994 2089 03/1995 2050 06/1995 2098 09/1995 2090 12/1995 2096 03/1996 2104 06/1996 2121 09/1996 2049 12/1996 2094 03/1997 2142 06/1997 2129 09/1997 2143 12/1997 2258 03/1998 2243 06/1998 2376 09/1998 2476 12/1998 2520 03/1999 2652 06/1999 2825 09/1999 2986 12/1999 3030 03/2000 2940 06/2000 2837 09/2000 2740 12/2000 2799 03/2001 2890 06/2001 3001 09/2001 2918 12/2001 2955 03/2002 2991 06/2002 2984 09/2002 3007 12/2002 2798 03/2003 2982 06/2003 2912 09/2003 3091 12/2003 3157 03/2004 3239 06/2004 3059 09/2004 3151 12/2004 3299 03/2005 3091 06/2005 3162 09/2005 3202 12/2005 3155 03/2006 3245 06/2006 3442 09/2006 3346 12/2006 3343 03/2007 3380 06/2007 3321 09/2007 3197 12/2007 3346 03/2008 3294 06/2008 3218 09/2008 3255 12/2008 3247 03/2009 3316 06/2009 3366 09/2009 3258 12/2009 3269 03/2010 3344 06/2010 3427 09/2010 3563 12/2010 3564 03/2011 3492 06/2011 3603 09/2011 3539 12/2011 3514 03/2012 3539 06/2012 3416 09/2012 3454 12/2012 3459 03/2013 3445 06/2013 3552 09/2013 3416 12/2013 3431 03/2014 3547 06/2014 3610 09/2014 3709 12/2014 3709 03/2015 3723 06/2015 3689 09/2015 3726 12/2015 3743 03/2016 3778 06/2016 3893 09/2016 4012 12/2016 3923 03/2017 3985 06/2017 4004 09/2017 4019 12/2017 4176 03/2018 4166 06/2018 4198 09/2018 4215 12/2018 4256 03/2019 4193 06/2019 4236 09/2019 4186 12/2019 4209 03/2020 3884 06/2020 1590 09/2020 1445 12/2020 2420 03/2021 3277 06/2021 3337 09/2021 2551 12/2021 3276 03/2022 3650 06/2022 3957 09/2022 4098 12/2022 4203 03/2023 4354 06/2023 4344 09/2023 4376