date value vard vardd 09/1985 2236 title Households; Final consumption expenditure - Recreation and culture 12/1985 2665 narrow cat. State Final Demand, Detailed Components: New South Wales 03/1986 2161 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product 06/1986 2270 unit $ Millions 09/1986 2294 prices Chain volume measures 12/1986 2638 source ABS 03/1987 2145 dataset 5206.0 06/1987 2279 seriestype Original 09/1987 2343 12/1987 2721 03/1988 2360 06/1988 2453 09/1988 2401 12/1988 2810 03/1989 2474 06/1989 2608 09/1989 2771 12/1989 3134 03/1990 2735 06/1990 2834 09/1990 2839 12/1990 3211 03/1991 2782 06/1991 2913 09/1991 3023 12/1991 3314 03/1992 2898 06/1992 3055 09/1992 2927 12/1992 3329 03/1993 2908 06/1993 3057 09/1993 2924 12/1993 3432 03/1994 2990 06/1994 3036 09/1994 3197 12/1994 3657 03/1995 3137 06/1995 3197 09/1995 3290 12/1995 3904 03/1996 3404 06/1996 3559 09/1996 3739 12/1996 4216 03/1997 3690 06/1997 3744 09/1997 3951 12/1997 4447 03/1998 3919 06/1998 3941 09/1998 4114 12/1998 4530 03/1999 4159 06/1999 4152 09/1999 4399 12/1999 4872 03/2000 4290 06/2000 4424 09/2000 4808 12/2000 4981 03/2001 4396 06/2001 4462 09/2001 4537 12/2001 5158 03/2002 4576 06/2002 4739 09/2002 4907 12/2002 5549 03/2003 4804 06/2003 4996 09/2003 5165 12/2003 5907 03/2004 5117 06/2004 5274 09/2004 5305 12/2004 6071 03/2005 5355 06/2005 5571 09/2005 5601 12/2005 6264 03/2006 5705 06/2006 5848 09/2006 5844 12/2006 6870 03/2007 6059 06/2007 6194 09/2007 6422 12/2007 7136 03/2008 6274 06/2008 6207 09/2008 6361 12/2008 7258 03/2009 6388 06/2009 6552 09/2009 6861 12/2009 7652 03/2010 6517 06/2010 7124 09/2010 7474 12/2010 8452 03/2011 7427 06/2011 7779 09/2011 8129 12/2011 8801 03/2012 7459 06/2012 7702 09/2012 8023 12/2012 8729 03/2013 7419 06/2013 7505 09/2013 7889 12/2013 8830 03/2014 7712 06/2014 7924 09/2014 8629 12/2014 9685 03/2015 8082 06/2015 8406 09/2015 8862 12/2015 9957 03/2016 8482 06/2016 8744 09/2016 8928 12/2016 10085 03/2017 8551 06/2017 8594 09/2017 8913 12/2017 10377 03/2018 8828 06/2018 9103 09/2018 9254 12/2018 10360 03/2019 8697 06/2019 8888 09/2019 9131 12/2019 10422 03/2020 8596 06/2020 6965 09/2020 8534 12/2020 10931 03/2021 9212 06/2021 9856 09/2021 7456 12/2021 11080 03/2022 10022 06/2022 10413 09/2022 10284 12/2022 11405 03/2023 9581 06/2023 9485 09/2023 9469