date value vard vardd 09/1985 137 title Households; Final consumption expenditure - Recreation and culture 12/1985 163 narrow cat. State Final Demand, Detailed Components: Tasmania 03/1986 129 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product 06/1986 137 unit $ Millions 09/1986 138 prices Chain volume measures 12/1986 155 source ABS 03/1987 132 dataset 5206.0 06/1987 144 seriestype Original 09/1987 142 12/1987 162 03/1988 137 06/1988 145 09/1988 142 12/1988 162 03/1989 142 06/1989 146 09/1989 152 12/1989 175 03/1990 161 06/1990 163 09/1990 160 12/1990 181 03/1991 163 06/1991 163 09/1991 168 12/1991 194 03/1992 177 06/1992 177 09/1992 179 12/1992 204 03/1993 183 06/1993 186 09/1993 181 12/1993 207 03/1994 191 06/1994 186 09/1994 183 12/1994 207 03/1995 182 06/1995 200 09/1995 194 12/1995 216 03/1996 195 06/1996 199 09/1996 193 12/1996 223 03/1997 193 06/1997 203 09/1997 210 12/1997 252 03/1998 219 06/1998 230 09/1998 206 12/1998 247 03/1999 232 06/1999 244 09/1999 234 12/1999 266 03/2000 232 06/2000 236 09/2000 232 12/2000 274 03/2001 249 06/2001 242 09/2001 237 12/2001 276 03/2002 253 06/2002 267 09/2002 261 12/2002 304 03/2003 278 06/2003 283 09/2003 296 12/2003 346 03/2004 315 06/2004 320 09/2004 317 12/2004 362 03/2005 322 06/2005 332 09/2005 343 12/2005 401 03/2006 346 06/2006 352 09/2006 365 12/2006 399 03/2007 347 06/2007 356 09/2007 369 12/2007 410 03/2008 359 06/2008 376 09/2008 339 12/2008 405 03/2009 345 06/2009 359 09/2009 363 12/2009 419 03/2010 367 06/2010 363 09/2010 372 12/2010 419 03/2011 370 06/2011 365 09/2011 387 12/2011 431 03/2012 369 06/2012 358 09/2012 362 12/2012 409 03/2013 343 06/2013 356 09/2013 381 12/2013 465 03/2014 367 06/2014 379 09/2014 385 12/2014 449 03/2015 358 06/2015 361 09/2015 391 12/2015 470 03/2016 389 06/2016 388 09/2016 404 12/2016 471 03/2017 387 06/2017 408 09/2017 415 12/2017 501 03/2018 407 06/2018 431 09/2018 436 12/2018 524 03/2019 414 06/2019 427 09/2019 434 12/2019 530 03/2020 429 06/2020 413 09/2020 463 12/2020 549 03/2021 442 06/2021 449 09/2021 449 12/2021 540 03/2022 444 06/2022 476 09/2022 475 12/2022 531 03/2023 431 06/2023 432 09/2023 440