date value vard vardd 06/1990 143040 title Non-dwelling construction; End-year net capital stock 06/1991 144930 narrow cat. Western Australia Capital Stock by Type of asset, Institutional sector and Industry 06/1992 145965 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: State Accounts 06/1993 147537 unit $ Millions 06/1994 150153 prices Chain volume measures 06/1995 152230 source ABS 06/1996 156114 dataset 5220.0 06/1997 161045 seriestype Original 06/1998 168358 06/1999 172984 06/2000 176984 06/2001 178133 06/2002 181211 06/2003 187646 06/2004 193607 06/2005 201559 06/2006 215847 06/2007 235651 06/2008 257429 06/2009 283963 06/2010 309372 06/2011 339635 06/2012 389793 06/2013 442453 06/2014 490916 06/2015 531118 06/2016 558686 06/2017 568627 06/2018 574796 06/2019 575553 06/2020 578195 06/2021 581498 06/2022 584866 06/2023 590706