date value vard vardd 06/1990 10652 title Net saving plus consumption of fixed capital 06/1991 11501 narrow cat. Household Income Account and Per Capita, Victoria: Current prices 06/1992 8896 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: State Accounts 06/1993 9982 unit $ Millions 06/1994 10171 prices Current prices 06/1995 8940 source ABS 06/1996 8990 dataset 5220.0 06/1997 9527 seriestype Original 06/1998 6920 06/1999 5363 06/2000 3648 06/2001 6612 06/2002 9518 06/2003 5795 06/2004 5917 06/2005 7777 06/2006 6746 06/2007 9479 06/2008 13765 06/2009 24406 06/2010 20275 06/2011 23429 06/2012 20713 06/2013 17531 06/2014 20687 06/2015 23965 06/2016 19800 06/2017 21038 06/2018 18320 06/2019 23632 06/2020 47640 06/2021 69878 06/2022 57228 06/2023 24667