date value vard vardd 06/1988 3959 title Amounts outstanding at end of period; Assets; Other accounts receivable; Households 09/1988 3692 narrow cat. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Other Private Non-Financial Corporations ($ million) 12/1988 3600 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth 03/1989 3580 unit $ Millions 06/1989 2753 prices - 09/1989 3861 source ABS 12/1989 3829 dataset 5232.0 03/1990 3767 seriestype Original 06/1990 3819 09/1990 3808 12/1990 4260 03/1991 4170 06/1991 3989 09/1991 5628 12/1991 5690 03/1992 6092 06/1992 5782 09/1992 5834 12/1992 5836 03/1993 5561 06/1993 5525 09/1993 5569 12/1993 5530 03/1994 5525 06/1994 7437 09/1994 7449 12/1994 7575 03/1995 7299 06/1995 7328 09/1995 7386 12/1995 9758 03/1996 9789 06/1996 9891 09/1996 9856 12/1996 9801 03/1997 9746 06/1997 9956 09/1997 10510 12/1997 11325 03/1998 12055 06/1998 13002 09/1998 13344 12/1998 13211 03/1999 14678 06/1999 14616 09/1999 14766 12/1999 14952 03/2000 15036 06/2000 20028 09/2000 17970 12/2000 19652 03/2001 19794 06/2001 19691 09/2001 17100 12/2001 20826 03/2002 20728 06/2002 22903 09/2002 24951 12/2002 25960 03/2003 27844 06/2003 27830 09/2003 27752 12/2003 28059 03/2004 28276 06/2004 28391 09/2004 28393 12/2004 28205 03/2005 28148 06/2005 28290 09/2005 28012 12/2005 27938 03/2006 27751 06/2006 28080 09/2006 28018 12/2006 27782 03/2007 27714 06/2007 27559 09/2007 27421 12/2007 27355 03/2008 30199 06/2008 27451 09/2008 27776 12/2008 27132 03/2009 27253 06/2009 27818 09/2009 32216 12/2009 28591 03/2010 27488 06/2010 27494 09/2010 27917 12/2010 27939 03/2011 29140 06/2011 27303 09/2011 27388 12/2011 26919 03/2012 26925 06/2012 26877 09/2012 27044 12/2012 26927 03/2013 26499 06/2013 26630 09/2013 26740 12/2013 26837 03/2014 26614 06/2014 27003 09/2014 27149 12/2014 27180 03/2015 27344 06/2015 28058 09/2015 28711 12/2015 28396 03/2016 28047 06/2016 27710 09/2016 27728 12/2016 28046 03/2017 28036 06/2017 28503 09/2017 28551 12/2017 28533 03/2018 28600 06/2018 29359 09/2018 28963 12/2018 28953 03/2019 28962 06/2019 31179 09/2019 31241 12/2019 31256 03/2020 31111 06/2020 30928 09/2020 30802 12/2020 30608 03/2021 30494 06/2021 30477 09/2021 30219 12/2021 31054 03/2022 30773 06/2022 30929 09/2022 30375 12/2022 30955 03/2023 30680 06/2023 30573 09/2023 30249