date value vard vardd 06/1988 4059 title Amounts outstanding at end of period; Assets; Currency accepted by: Central bank 09/1988 4852 narrow cat. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Households ($ million) 12/1988 5143 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth 03/1989 5261 unit $ Millions 06/1989 5394 prices - 09/1989 5588 source ABS 12/1989 5553 dataset 5232.0 03/1990 5732 seriestype Original 06/1990 5793 09/1990 6077 12/1990 6314 03/1991 6668 06/1991 6510 09/1991 6639 12/1991 6810 03/1992 6569 06/1992 6649 09/1992 6825 12/1992 7225 03/1993 7071 06/1993 7164 09/1993 7472 12/1993 7781 03/1994 7884 06/1994 7832 09/1994 8040 12/1994 8042 03/1995 8121 06/1995 8097 09/1995 8161 12/1995 8352 03/1996 8474 06/1996 8426 09/1996 8402 12/1996 8484 03/1997 8239 06/1997 8671 09/1997 8785 12/1997 9291 03/1998 9210 06/1998 9269 09/1998 9690 12/1998 10156 03/1999 10263 06/1999 10220 09/1999 10531 12/1999 11389 03/2000 10854 06/2000 11036 09/2000 11358 12/2000 11892 03/2001 11524 06/2001 11831 09/2001 12133 12/2001 12821 03/2002 12717 06/2002 12773 09/2002 13158 12/2002 13186 03/2003 12739 06/2003 13177 09/2003 13573 12/2003 14027 03/2004 13613 06/2004 13962 09/2004 14815 12/2004 15214 03/2005 14789 06/2005 15100 09/2005 15509 12/2005 15857 03/2006 15875 06/2006 16072 09/2006 16651 12/2006 17244 03/2007 16865 06/2007 17158 09/2007 17513 12/2007 18170 03/2008 17757 06/2008 18035 09/2008 18612 12/2008 20622 03/2009 20262 06/2009 20640 09/2009 20831 12/2009 20832 03/2010 21104 06/2010 21005 09/2010 21297 12/2010 21624 03/2011 21721 06/2011 21690 09/2011 22240 12/2011 23096 03/2012 22953 06/2012 23367 09/2012 24115 12/2012 24716 03/2013 24710 06/2013 25130 09/2013 25868 12/2013 26639 03/2014 26274 06/2014 26290 09/2014 27247 12/2014 28680 03/2015 28434 06/2015 28986 09/2015 30254 12/2015 31124 03/2016 30967 06/2016 31356 09/2016 32116 12/2016 33051 03/2017 32348 06/2017 32882 09/2017 33372 12/2017 34588 03/2018 34202 06/2018 34251 09/2018 35025 12/2018 35920 03/2019 35346 06/2019 35717 09/2019 36627 12/2019 37654 03/2020 37481 06/2020 41102 09/2020 43655 12/2020 44995 03/2021 44455 06/2021 44405 09/2021 46189 12/2021 47774 03/2022 47538 06/2022 47472 09/2022 47956 12/2022 48265 03/2023 47200 06/2023 46973 09/2023 47211