date value vard vardd 06/1988 81133 title Amounts outstanding at end of period; Authorised deposit taking Institutions; Total (Counterparty sectors) 09/1988 82201 narrow cat. The Transferable Deposits Market ($ million) 12/1988 87912 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth 03/1989 88437 unit $ Millions 06/1989 89020 prices - 09/1989 84553 source ABS 12/1989 87254 dataset 5232.0 03/1990 91301 seriestype Original 06/1990 91807 09/1990 94081 12/1990 95079 03/1991 93511 06/1991 94711 09/1991 94169 12/1991 101952 03/1992 98767 06/1992 101178 09/1992 102587 12/1992 105475 03/1993 105576 06/1993 111961 09/1993 110700 12/1993 115691 03/1994 117719 06/1994 125070 09/1994 126139 12/1994 125335 03/1995 124030 06/1995 128515 09/1995 127001 12/1995 133587 03/1996 134484 06/1996 138552 09/1996 139669 12/1996 148662 03/1997 154793 06/1997 158919 09/1997 163548 12/1997 172143 03/1998 174108 06/1998 190377 09/1998 195664 12/1998 208374 03/1999 207042 06/1999 209180 09/1999 213000 12/1999 222148 03/2000 222843 06/2000 218625 09/2000 228728 12/2000 237629 03/2001 251270 06/2001 253744 09/2001 251454 12/2001 261455 03/2002 257139 06/2002 261087 09/2002 265155 12/2002 276670 03/2003 284515 06/2003 301905 09/2003 295737 12/2003 300646 03/2004 293644 06/2004 309295 09/2004 297127 12/2004 312752 03/2005 315739 06/2005 333065 09/2005 334851 12/2005 355029 03/2006 358986 06/2006 388226 09/2006 390030 12/2006 417941 03/2007 423883 06/2007 463883 09/2007 467292 12/2007 481967 03/2008 476929 06/2008 506729 09/2008 535962 12/2008 546405 03/2009 547655 06/2009 553329 09/2009 559983 12/2009 546931 03/2010 537136 06/2010 559106 09/2010 580055 12/2010 585471 03/2011 601495 06/2011 607945 09/2011 643991 12/2011 634131 03/2012 615329 06/2012 657721 09/2012 683350 12/2012 710394 03/2013 703857 06/2013 722010 09/2013 750656 12/2013 794074 03/2014 797945 06/2014 838193 09/2014 854379 12/2014 886367 03/2015 913894 06/2015 943909 09/2015 987845 12/2015 1011692 03/2016 1009850 06/2016 1055833 09/2016 1075072 12/2016 1109330 03/2017 1104017 06/2017 1144617 09/2017 1142544 12/2017 1176839 03/2018 1181722 06/2018 1201435 09/2018 1215388 12/2018 1207862 03/2019 1207386 06/2019 1237262 09/2019 1279824 12/2019 1282208 03/2020 1459140 06/2020 1503050 09/2020 1568623 12/2020 1608158 03/2021 1654297 06/2021 1727666 09/2021 1822764 12/2021 1890284 03/2022 1927709 06/2022 1965203 09/2022 1960581 12/2022 1932049 03/2023 1912758 06/2023 1895562 09/2023 1882756