date value vard vardd 12/1999 476 title Amounts outstanding at end of period; Assets; Net equity of pension funds in life office reserves; Life insurance corporations 03/2000 494 narrow cat. Pension Funds - Self-Managed Superannuation Funds Balance Sheet ($ million) 06/2000 516 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth 09/2000 491 unit $ Millions 12/2000 469 prices - 03/2001 451 source ABS 06/2001 444 dataset 5232.0 09/2001 433 seriestype Original 12/2001 453 03/2002 447 06/2002 432 09/2002 410 12/2002 402 03/2003 383 06/2003 381 09/2003 370 12/2003 356 03/2004 342 06/2004 331 09/2004 316 12/2004 310 03/2005 288 06/2005 273 09/2005 264 12/2005 271 03/2006 275 06/2006 264 09/2006 258 12/2006 258 03/2007 253 06/2007 250 09/2007 256 12/2007 255 03/2008 239 06/2008 238 09/2008 224 12/2008 195 03/2009 185 06/2009 192 09/2009 203 12/2009 199 03/2010 193 06/2010 177 09/2010 176 12/2010 173 03/2011 165 06/2011 159 09/2011 152 12/2011 157 03/2012 168 06/2012 168 09/2012 172 12/2012 173 03/2013 177 06/2013 178 09/2013 178 12/2013 173 03/2014 166 06/2014 160 09/2014 155 12/2014 151 03/2015 154 06/2015 147 09/2015 138 12/2015 140 03/2016 135 06/2016 133 09/2016 137 12/2016 143 03/2017 148 06/2017 153 09/2017 143 12/2017 135 03/2018 122 06/2018 114 09/2018 112 12/2018 103 03/2019 106 06/2019 106 09/2019 106 12/2019 105 03/2020 107 06/2020 108 09/2020 107 12/2020 106 03/2021 105 06/2021 104 09/2021 105 12/2021 110 03/2022 111 06/2022 113 09/2022 115 12/2022 117 03/2023 119 06/2023 120 09/2023 122