date value vard vardd 06/1988 89164 title Amounts outstanding at end of period; Assets; Net equity in reserves; Pension funds 09/1988 91866 narrow cat. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Households ($ million) 12/1988 94383 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth 03/1989 96130 unit $ Millions 06/1989 102053 prices - 09/1989 108159 source ABS 12/1989 111444 dataset 5232.0 03/1990 112776 seriestype Original 06/1990 114828 09/1990 120351 12/1990 120380 03/1991 124992 06/1991 129283 09/1991 133875 12/1991 138999 03/1992 137242 06/1992 143672 09/1992 140802 12/1992 143541 03/1993 149150 06/1993 155115 09/1993 165183 12/1993 172865 03/1994 170261 06/1994 170169 09/1994 173059 12/1994 172026 03/1995 174015 06/1995 182911 09/1995 189291 12/1995 195682 03/1996 200437 06/1996 209220 09/1996 219930 12/1996 230284 03/1997 235030 06/1997 257865 09/1997 272393 12/1997 280504 03/1998 290433 06/1998 301143 09/1998 305498 12/1998 317133 03/1999 332023 06/1999 356992 09/1999 368886 12/1999 402408 03/2000 419557 06/2000 447465 09/2000 457822 12/2000 461522 03/2001 466363 06/2001 488968 09/2001 465697 12/2001 497248 03/2002 507000 06/2002 500371 09/2002 490455 12/2002 506441 03/2003 497990 06/2003 519502 09/2003 534494 12/2003 565041 03/2004 589906 06/2004 641162 09/2004 656278 12/2004 695115 03/2005 714898 06/2005 737357 09/2005 787051 12/2005 825227 03/2006 889220 06/2006 903878 09/2006 940565 12/2006 1011407 03/2007 1061816 06/2007 1174281 09/2007 1221495 12/2007 1225044 03/2008 1148076 06/2008 1143850 09/2008 1094247 12/2008 998376 03/2009 976161 06/2009 1052492 09/2009 1162952 12/2009 1207886 03/2010 1229969 06/2010 1167776 09/2010 1208658 12/2010 1255452 03/2011 1282414 06/2011 1281796 09/2011 1208885 12/2011 1222933 03/2012 1286035 06/2012 1281252 09/2012 1328968 12/2012 1384706 03/2013 1449928 06/2013 1462269 09/2013 1548449 12/2013 1599829 03/2014 1643605 06/2014 1672601 09/2014 1699314 12/2014 1755437 03/2015 1857619 06/2015 1847338 09/2015 1816394 12/2015 1889165 03/2016 1865723 06/2016 1941441 09/2016 2016918 12/2016 2066928 03/2017 2129147 06/2017 2181729 09/2017 2197813 12/2017 2293624 03/2018 2275977 06/2018 2350807 09/2018 2399145 12/2018 2284626 03/2019 2420373 06/2019 2523480 09/2019 2586951 12/2019 2645913 03/2020 2364752 06/2020 2520070 09/2020 2558244 12/2020 2724168 03/2021 2798616 06/2021 2954609 09/2021 3019200 12/2021 3111530 03/2022 3060360 06/2022 2878039 09/2022 2872508 12/2022 2986596 03/2023 3087214 06/2023 3155197 09/2023 3160899