date value vard vardd 06/1988 0 title Amounts outstanding at end of period; Assets; Net equity in reserves; Rest of world 09/1988 142 narrow cat. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Financial Corporations ($ million) 12/1988 154 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth 03/1989 168 unit $ Millions 06/1989 183 prices - 09/1989 200 source ABS 12/1989 203 dataset 5232.0 03/1990 196 seriestype Original 06/1990 194 09/1990 191 12/1990 191 03/1991 189 06/1991 191 09/1991 194 12/1991 188 03/1992 190 06/1992 187 09/1992 186 12/1992 187 03/1993 183 06/1993 175 09/1993 177 12/1993 180 03/1994 191 06/1994 196 09/1994 217 12/1994 213 03/1995 206 06/1995 209 09/1995 243 12/1995 242 03/1996 248 06/1996 248 09/1996 270 12/1996 274 03/1997 273 06/1997 278 09/1997 303 12/1997 301 03/1998 307 06/1998 309 09/1998 335 12/1998 335 03/1999 337 06/1999 320 09/1999 300 12/1999 302 03/2000 307 06/2000 308 09/2000 329 12/2000 337 03/2001 327 06/2001 324 09/2001 351 12/2001 354 03/2002 356 06/2002 362 09/2002 366 12/2002 373 03/2003 381 06/2003 381 09/2003 351 12/2003 393 03/2004 492 06/2004 525 09/2004 539 12/2004 551 03/2005 562 06/2005 574 09/2005 584 12/2005 594 03/2006 607 06/2006 620 09/2006 635 12/2006 650 03/2007 666 06/2007 683 09/2007 1091 12/2007 1106 03/2008 1128 06/2008 1150 09/2008 1171 12/2008 1191 03/2009 1214 06/2009 1236 09/2009 1263 12/2009 1288 03/2010 1316 06/2010 1342 09/2010 1367 12/2010 1393 03/2011 1443 06/2011 1494 09/2011 1538 12/2011 1577 03/2012 1599 06/2012 1623 09/2012 1644 12/2012 1663 03/2013 1682 06/2013 1699 09/2013 1720 12/2013 1741 03/2014 1761 06/2014 1781 09/2014 1557 12/2014 1575 03/2015 1594 06/2015 1614 09/2015 1643 12/2015 1673 03/2016 1704 06/2016 1736 09/2016 1768 12/2016 1798 03/2017 1828 06/2017 1857 09/2017 1885 12/2017 1915 03/2018 1944 06/2018 1974 09/2018 2005 12/2018 2035 03/2019 2067 06/2019 2099 09/2019 2177 12/2019 2253 03/2020 2322 06/2020 2391 09/2020 2459 12/2020 2527 03/2021 2595 06/2021 2665 09/2021 2737 12/2021 2809 03/2022 2879 06/2022 2947 09/2022 3015 12/2022 3082 03/2023 3149 06/2023 3215 09/2023 3281