date value vard vardd 06/1988 11 title Amounts outstanding at end of period; Assets; Shares and other equity issued by: Other financial corporations 09/1988 24 narrow cat. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Households ($ million) 12/1988 19 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth 03/1989 19 unit $ Millions 06/1989 30 prices - 09/1989 50 source ABS 12/1989 55 dataset 5232.0 03/1990 86 seriestype Original 06/1990 90 09/1990 100 12/1990 107 03/1991 114 06/1991 112 09/1991 120 12/1991 135 03/1992 170 06/1992 94 09/1992 337 12/1992 399 03/1993 393 06/1993 450 09/1993 495 12/1993 522 03/1994 476 06/1994 496 09/1994 504 12/1994 515 03/1995 539 06/1995 597 09/1995 621 12/1995 619 03/1996 642 06/1996 604 09/1996 749 12/1996 595 03/1997 276 06/1997 230 09/1997 419 12/1997 3204 03/1998 4308 06/1998 4036 09/1998 5490 12/1998 1066 03/1999 1840 06/1999 1443 09/1999 1332 12/1999 5026 03/2000 4486 06/2000 3144 09/2000 2665 12/2000 1286 03/2001 373 06/2001 556 09/2001 201 12/2001 1400 03/2002 1635 06/2002 2068 09/2002 2245 12/2002 2457 03/2003 2420 06/2003 2842 09/2003 3121 12/2003 3200 03/2004 2993 06/2004 3125 09/2004 1524 12/2004 1000 03/2005 958 06/2005 1021 09/2005 941 12/2005 936 03/2006 754 06/2006 800 09/2006 838 12/2006 4804 03/2007 4844 06/2007 7716 09/2007 6788 12/2007 6698 03/2008 3629 06/2008 703 09/2008 543 12/2008 392 03/2009 252 06/2009 363 09/2009 245 12/2009 238 03/2010 238 06/2010 229 09/2010 275 12/2010 347 03/2011 360 06/2011 327 09/2011 320 12/2011 307 03/2012 370 06/2012 349 09/2012 352 12/2012 364 03/2013 344 06/2013 327 09/2013 401 12/2013 470 03/2014 531 06/2014 445 09/2014 437 12/2014 479 03/2015 499 06/2015 793 09/2015 735 12/2015 1230 03/2016 1002 06/2016 900 09/2016 1199 12/2016 1292 03/2017 1230 06/2017 1296 09/2017 1304 12/2017 1487 03/2018 1446 06/2018 1538 09/2018 1671 12/2018 1439 03/2019 1638 06/2019 1758 09/2019 1868 12/2019 1868 03/2020 1397 06/2020 1923 09/2020 1943 12/2020 2135 03/2021 2003 06/2021 2223 09/2021 2188 12/2021 2228 03/2022 1988 06/2022 1718 09/2022 1678 12/2022 1758 03/2023 1458 06/2023 1464 09/2023 1434