date value vard vardd 06/1988 0 title Amounts outstanding at end of period; Assets; Shares and other equity issued by: Life insurance corporations 09/1988 0 narrow cat. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Households ($ million) 12/1988 0 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth 03/1989 0 unit $ Millions 06/1989 0 prices - 09/1989 0 source ABS 12/1989 0 dataset 5232.0 03/1990 0 seriestype Original 06/1990 0 09/1990 0 12/1990 0 03/1991 0 06/1991 0 09/1991 0 12/1991 0 03/1992 0 06/1992 0 09/1992 22 12/1992 20 03/1993 23 06/1993 24 09/1993 20 12/1993 25 03/1994 27 06/1994 22 09/1994 36 12/1994 41 03/1995 41 06/1995 30 09/1995 1112 12/1995 1120 03/1996 1115 06/1996 1127 09/1996 1129 12/1996 954 03/1997 985 06/1997 1086 09/1997 1179 12/1997 1494 03/1998 6067 06/1998 16191 09/1998 19466 12/1998 24513 03/1999 22262 06/1999 20267 09/1999 18708 12/1999 22737 03/2000 21993 06/2000 25973 09/2000 15612 12/2000 18451 03/2001 17646 06/2001 19499 09/2001 16242 12/2001 17100 03/2002 17450 06/2002 14651 09/2002 11817 12/2002 11043 03/2003 7209 06/2003 5778 09/2003 8174 12/2003 8490 03/2004 10364 06/2004 11296 09/2004 10445 12/2004 10820 03/2005 11452 06/2005 11167 09/2005 14125 12/2005 14627 03/2006 16098 06/2006 17025 09/2006 17117 12/2006 19473 03/2007 21935 06/2007 21934 09/2007 23033 12/2007 21150 03/2008 14581 06/2008 12155 09/2008 12095 12/2008 10616 03/2009 7318 06/2009 9585 09/2009 13537 12/2009 16388 03/2010 15450 06/2010 12154 09/2010 11913 12/2010 13200 03/2011 9315 06/2011 8581 09/2011 7072 12/2011 7634 03/2012 7765 06/2012 6924 09/2012 7593 12/2012 8792 03/2013 9459 06/2013 8081 09/2013 9286 12/2013 9172 03/2014 10231 06/2014 11057 09/2014 10790 12/2014 10595 03/2015 12718 06/2015 12734 09/2015 12185 12/2015 13204 03/2016 13165 06/2016 12245 09/2016 10534 12/2016 10164 03/2017 10674 06/2017 10701 09/2017 9995 12/2017 10552 03/2018 10100 06/2018 7417 09/2018 7024 12/2018 5479 03/2019 4638 06/2019 4190 09/2019 4269 12/2019 3997 03/2020 2666 06/2020 757 09/2020 745 12/2020 1285 03/2021 1314 06/2021 1104 09/2021 1095 12/2021 1141 03/2022 1180 06/2022 1197 09/2022 1008 12/2022 1323 03/2023 1085 06/2023 1124 09/2023 1118