date value vard vardd 06/1988 424 title Amounts outstanding at end of period; Liabilities; Drawings of bills of exchange accepted by: Total (Counterparty sectors) 09/1988 438 narrow cat. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Other Financial Corporations ($ million) 12/1988 440 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth 03/1989 450 unit $ Millions 06/1989 451 prices - 09/1989 447 source ABS 12/1989 461 dataset 5232.0 03/1990 468 seriestype Original 06/1990 484 09/1990 492 12/1990 464 03/1991 494 06/1991 454 09/1991 438 12/1991 420 03/1992 449 06/1992 464 09/1992 470 12/1992 452 03/1993 446 06/1993 421 09/1993 432 12/1993 432 03/1994 432 06/1994 437 09/1994 435 12/1994 433 03/1995 437 06/1995 424 09/1995 440 12/1995 461 03/1996 466 06/1996 470 09/1996 450 12/1996 459 03/1997 453 06/1997 464 09/1997 473 12/1997 478 03/1998 481 06/1998 500 09/1998 489 12/1998 531 03/1999 531 06/1999 504 09/1999 513 12/1999 544 03/2000 547 06/2000 578 09/2000 600 12/2000 626 03/2001 625 06/2001 616 09/2001 608 12/2001 602 03/2002 598 06/2002 596 09/2002 371 12/2002 723 03/2003 222 06/2003 251 09/2003 308 12/2003 313 03/2004 371 06/2004 368 09/2004 398 12/2004 420 03/2005 412 06/2005 520 09/2005 577 12/2005 566 03/2006 603 06/2006 653 09/2006 714 12/2006 728 03/2007 772 06/2007 893 09/2007 759 12/2007 769 03/2008 796 06/2008 762 09/2008 724 12/2008 746 03/2009 733 06/2009 711 09/2009 721 12/2009 695 03/2010 674 06/2010 644 09/2010 910 12/2010 928 03/2011 915 06/2011 897 09/2011 763 12/2011 776 03/2012 699 06/2012 618 09/2012 628 12/2012 586 03/2013 567 06/2013 569 09/2013 559 12/2013 603 03/2014 590 06/2014 573 09/2014 615 12/2014 637 03/2015 670 06/2015 681 09/2015 1513 12/2015 1488 03/2016 1415 06/2016 1424 09/2016 1350 12/2016 1265 03/2017 520 06/2017 479 09/2017 514 12/2017 479 03/2018 437 06/2018 411 09/2018 368 12/2018 331 03/2019 218 06/2019 270 09/2019 217 12/2019 189 03/2020 196 06/2020 193 09/2020 166 12/2020 163 03/2021 166 06/2021 155 09/2021 158 12/2021 153 03/2022 142 06/2022 137 09/2022 140 12/2022 134 03/2023 131 06/2023 122 09/2023 115