date value vard vardd 06/1988 202 title Amounts outstanding at end of period; Liabilities; Long term loans and placements held by: Pension funds 09/1988 234 narrow cat. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Households ($ million) 12/1988 225 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth 03/1989 202 unit $ Millions 06/1989 226 prices - 09/1989 225 source ABS 12/1989 227 dataset 5232.0 03/1990 244 seriestype Original 06/1990 243 09/1990 246 12/1990 268 03/1991 265 06/1991 264 09/1991 296 12/1991 290 03/1992 300 06/1992 317 09/1992 302 12/1992 325 03/1993 316 06/1993 300 09/1993 317 12/1993 285 03/1994 202 06/1994 192 09/1994 163 12/1994 163 03/1995 162 06/1995 119 09/1995 114 12/1995 114 03/1996 112 06/1996 111 09/1996 106 12/1996 105 03/1997 102 06/1997 99 09/1997 70 12/1997 67 03/1998 83 06/1998 84 09/1998 81 12/1998 84 03/1999 91 06/1999 90 09/1999 70 12/1999 99 03/2000 100 06/2000 105 09/2000 107 12/2000 106 03/2001 98 06/2001 102 09/2001 94 12/2001 98 03/2002 99 06/2002 95 09/2002 94 12/2002 91 03/2003 92 06/2003 109 09/2003 114 12/2003 118 03/2004 121 06/2004 125 09/2004 121 12/2004 136 03/2005 135 06/2005 141 09/2005 141 12/2005 141 03/2006 149 06/2006 152 09/2006 156 12/2006 170 03/2007 179 06/2007 184 09/2007 198 12/2007 205 03/2008 216 06/2008 230 09/2008 231 12/2008 236 03/2009 240 06/2009 241 09/2009 254 12/2009 260 03/2010 262 06/2010 259 09/2010 258 12/2010 280 03/2011 288 06/2011 298 09/2011 289 12/2011 312 03/2012 321 06/2012 324 09/2012 349 12/2012 354 03/2013 329 06/2013 354 09/2013 353 12/2013 367 03/2014 363 06/2014 380 09/2014 390 12/2014 401 03/2015 406 06/2015 411 09/2015 413 12/2015 412 03/2016 418 06/2016 455 09/2016 500 12/2016 464 03/2017 516 06/2017 491 09/2017 576 12/2017 541 03/2018 568 06/2018 543 09/2018 557 12/2018 573 03/2019 581 06/2019 590 09/2019 594 12/2019 589 03/2020 596 06/2020 609 09/2020 603 12/2020 589 03/2021 590 06/2021 609 09/2021 618 12/2021 634 03/2022 648 06/2022 674 09/2022 676 12/2022 679 03/2023 684 06/2023 722 09/2023 727