date value vard vardd 06/1988 2680 title Amounts outstanding at end of period; Liabilities; Long term loans and placements held by: Total (Counterparty sectors) 09/1988 2755 narrow cat. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Other Broad Money Institutions ($ million) 12/1988 2467 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth 03/1989 2761 unit $ Millions 06/1989 2894 prices - 09/1989 3069 source ABS 12/1989 3568 dataset 5232.0 03/1990 3870 seriestype Original 06/1990 4116 09/1990 4766 12/1990 4796 03/1991 5056 06/1991 5252 09/1991 4222 12/1991 4425 03/1992 3993 06/1992 4655 09/1992 4918 12/1992 5464 03/1993 5000 06/1993 5330 09/1993 5734 12/1993 5390 03/1994 4969 06/1994 4890 09/1994 5081 12/1994 4708 03/1995 5447 06/1995 5575 09/1995 5326 12/1995 5548 03/1996 4040 06/1996 3094 09/1996 3765 12/1996 3616 03/1997 3883 06/1997 3638 09/1997 3370 12/1997 3106 03/1998 2931 06/1998 3096 09/1998 3521 12/1998 3362 03/1999 2550 06/1999 2579 09/1999 3210 12/1999 2968 03/2000 2956 06/2000 3460 09/2000 3955 12/2000 3186 03/2001 3476 06/2001 3350 09/2001 3671 12/2001 3643 03/2002 3975 06/2002 7227 09/2002 9000 12/2002 10218 03/2003 9943 06/2003 11131 09/2003 12253 12/2003 11842 03/2004 5789 06/2004 6915 09/2004 6770 12/2004 7152 03/2005 5978 06/2005 4810 09/2005 4846 12/2005 5506 03/2006 7980 06/2006 8489 09/2006 8093 12/2006 7881 03/2007 9448 06/2007 9999 09/2007 10641 12/2007 7106 03/2008 6293 06/2008 5756 09/2008 6136 12/2008 5919 03/2009 5260 06/2009 4155 09/2009 3441 12/2009 2800 03/2010 3917 06/2010 4939 09/2010 4029 12/2010 4661 03/2011 5867 06/2011 7844 09/2011 8217 12/2011 8436 03/2012 9575 06/2012 9456 09/2012 8633 12/2012 9641 03/2013 9074 06/2013 11896 09/2013 12220 12/2013 12225 03/2014 11947 06/2014 9686 09/2014 10567 12/2014 6811 03/2015 8096 06/2015 7715 09/2015 7470 12/2015 5165 03/2016 5983 06/2016 5681 09/2016 5851 12/2016 9866 03/2017 9266 06/2017 9521 09/2017 11760 12/2017 10452 03/2018 11077 06/2018 10897 09/2018 12741 12/2018 12554 03/2019 11985 06/2019 13754 09/2019 14162 12/2019 14413 03/2020 15597 06/2020 14473 09/2020 14747 12/2020 14253 03/2021 14172 06/2021 15556 09/2021 15729 12/2021 16645 03/2022 13696 06/2022 15346 09/2022 15954 12/2022 16074 03/2023 16589 06/2023 15685 09/2023 16283