date value vard vardd 12/1999 61665 title Amounts outstanding at end of period; Liabilities; Net equity in reserves held by: Total (Counterparty sectors) 03/2000 62952 narrow cat. Pension Funds - Self-Managed Superannuation Funds Balance Sheet ($ million) 06/2000 69461 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth 09/2000 70663 unit $ Millions 12/2000 71257 prices - 03/2001 74614 source ABS 06/2001 78364 dataset 5232.0 09/2001 75360 seriestype Original 12/2001 83197 03/2002 88767 06/2002 89395 09/2002 88635 12/2002 95157 03/2003 96548 06/2003 103526 09/2003 107595 12/2003 113395 03/2004 119207 06/2004 127377 09/2004 133992 12/2004 140737 03/2005 150173 06/2005 160632 09/2005 173210 12/2005 182997 03/2006 195475 06/2006 203055 09/2006 215756 12/2006 240737 03/2007 260899 06/2007 311904 09/2007 328193 12/2007 332624 03/2008 316092 06/2008 318274 09/2008 311060 12/2008 290682 03/2009 294912 06/2009 318820 09/2009 348645 12/2009 358248 03/2010 364747 06/2010 351119 09/2010 370585 12/2010 379834 03/2011 387652 06/2011 388360 09/2011 371989 12/2011 378823 03/2012 399151 06/2012 402875 09/2012 418943 12/2012 431083 03/2013 448626 06/2013 450541 09/2013 473074 12/2013 485893 03/2014 492627 06/2014 496369 09/2014 502474 12/2014 513983 03/2015 540742 06/2015 533020 09/2015 526471 12/2015 540544 03/2016 536985 06/2016 555601 09/2016 588826 12/2016 600533 03/2017 617010 06/2017 626981 09/2017 629974 12/2017 643446 03/2018 634441 06/2018 653198 09/2018 658433 12/2018 630080 03/2019 662282 06/2019 685462 09/2019 706852 12/2019 715851 03/2020 654377 06/2020 685317 09/2020 695980 12/2020 749009 03/2021 774220 06/2021 813637 09/2021 828749 12/2021 855372 03/2022 855721 06/2022 806251 09/2022 805111 12/2022 837094 03/2023 855274 06/2023 866786 09/2023 879122