date value vard vardd 06/1988 0 title Amounts outstanding at end of period; Net; Other accounts payable; Central bank; Total (Counterparty sectors) 09/1988 -160 narrow cat. Accounts Payable/Receivable ($ million) 12/1988 -65 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth 03/1989 -33 unit $ Millions 06/1989 -17 prices - 09/1989 -76 source ABS 12/1989 -112 dataset 5232.0 03/1990 -158 seriestype Original 06/1990 -188 09/1990 -359 12/1990 -269 03/1991 -604 06/1991 -47 09/1991 -339 12/1991 -143 03/1992 -658 06/1992 -256 09/1992 -480 12/1992 -50 03/1993 -228 06/1993 -643 09/1993 -504 12/1993 -58 03/1994 -146 06/1994 -752 09/1994 -885 12/1994 -73 03/1995 -147 06/1995 -53 09/1995 -205 12/1995 -64 03/1996 -398 06/1996 -35 09/1996 -2968 12/1996 -1444 03/1997 -1144 06/1997 -1767 09/1997 -2795 12/1997 -2222 03/1998 -2445 06/1998 -1954 09/1998 -1650 12/1998 -2005 03/1999 -3273 06/1999 -4148 09/1999 -6535 12/1999 -2514 03/2000 -4404 06/2000 -4375 09/2000 -3471 12/2000 -6015 03/2001 -3811 06/2001 -1870 09/2001 -2381 12/2001 -3583 03/2002 -5289 06/2002 -1579 09/2002 -8397 12/2002 -4456 03/2003 -8175 06/2003 -5630 09/2003 -13491 12/2003 -9408 03/2004 -6160 06/2004 -4755 09/2004 -2165 12/2004 -4651 03/2005 -3784 06/2005 -3073 09/2005 -4124 12/2005 -4266 03/2006 -9923 06/2006 -11152 09/2006 -11890 12/2006 -10400 03/2007 -14535 06/2007 -16088 09/2007 -20535 12/2007 -25804 03/2008 -25605 06/2008 -28543 09/2008 -25305 12/2008 -35240 03/2009 -20048 06/2009 -6838 09/2009 -3434 12/2009 -2287 03/2010 -2156 06/2010 -1550 09/2010 -1441 12/2010 -1308 03/2011 -1329 06/2011 -1055 09/2011 -2028 12/2011 -1007 03/2012 -1196 06/2012 -1900 09/2012 -2504 12/2012 -1542 03/2013 -1354 06/2013 -1544 09/2013 -1436 12/2013 -6455 03/2014 -6752 06/2014 -7052 09/2014 -7133 12/2014 -7735 03/2015 -8111 06/2015 -8455 09/2015 -9214 12/2015 -9023 03/2016 -9437 06/2016 -8735 09/2016 -8974 12/2016 -9675 03/2017 -10895 06/2017 -13019 09/2017 -11840 12/2017 -10194 03/2018 -10606 06/2018 -10170 09/2018 -10163 12/2018 -11642 03/2019 -12561 06/2019 -10414 09/2019 -10017 12/2019 -10102 03/2020 -19099 06/2020 -14754 09/2020 -31431 12/2020 -30750 03/2021 -35659 06/2021 -59309 09/2021 -52700 12/2021 -46372 03/2022 -46863 06/2022 -46566 09/2022 -46838 12/2022 -46230 03/2023 -44904 06/2023 -41612 09/2023 -25532