date value vard vardd 06/1988 -165 title Amounts outstanding at end of period; Net; Other accounts payable; Life insurance corporations; Total (Counterparty sectors) 09/1988 -213 narrow cat. Accounts Payable/Receivable ($ million) 12/1988 -221 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth 03/1989 -284 unit $ Millions 06/1989 -1317 prices - 09/1989 -1683 source ABS 12/1989 -1692 dataset 5232.0 03/1990 -1795 seriestype Original 06/1990 -1521 09/1990 -1812 12/1990 -892 03/1991 -599 06/1991 -610 09/1991 -463 12/1991 -652 03/1992 -510 06/1992 -2065 09/1992 -1682 12/1992 -1657 03/1993 -2148 06/1993 -2348 09/1993 -3087 12/1993 -2767 03/1994 -2777 06/1994 -2448 09/1994 -2359 12/1994 -1365 03/1995 -1368 06/1995 -453 09/1995 -1092 12/1995 -1464 03/1996 -1132 06/1996 -698 09/1996 -1668 12/1996 -1891 03/1997 -2499 06/1997 -3456 09/1997 -2849 12/1997 -3698 03/1998 -2038 06/1998 -142 09/1998 -308 12/1998 707 03/1999 475 06/1999 974 09/1999 946 12/1999 133 03/2000 358 06/2000 -351 09/2000 -1148 12/2000 -870 03/2001 -1297 06/2001 -1113 09/2001 196 12/2001 575 03/2002 -20 06/2002 -752 09/2002 -653 12/2002 -881 03/2003 -386 06/2003 -2228 09/2003 -1193 12/2003 -2451 03/2004 -2821 06/2004 -4555 09/2004 -1238 12/2004 -3808 03/2005 -4185 06/2005 -3514 09/2005 2170 12/2005 2100 03/2006 2369 06/2006 1908 09/2006 1466 12/2006 2097 03/2007 1555 06/2007 2430 09/2007 1754 12/2007 2109 03/2008 1964 06/2008 3186 09/2008 2556 12/2008 2361 03/2009 3287 06/2009 3954 09/2009 3658 12/2009 3147 03/2010 3965 06/2010 3619 09/2010 3757 12/2010 3364 03/2011 3991 06/2011 4134 09/2011 3993 12/2011 3915 03/2012 4145 06/2012 4141 09/2012 4108 12/2012 3713 03/2013 4322 06/2013 4424 09/2013 4755 12/2013 4150 03/2014 5449 06/2014 5024 09/2014 3416 12/2014 2256 03/2015 2745 06/2015 2709 09/2015 2989 12/2015 2793 03/2016 2663 06/2016 3730 09/2016 3460 12/2016 2657 03/2017 4683 06/2017 4463 09/2017 3987 12/2017 2479 03/2018 3059 06/2018 3303 09/2018 3789 12/2018 3125 03/2019 3852 06/2019 5315 09/2019 6437 12/2019 6114 03/2020 6977 06/2020 7899 09/2020 7485 12/2020 7784 03/2021 7298 06/2021 6993 09/2021 7009 12/2021 6267 03/2022 5975 06/2022 6536 09/2022 6783 12/2022 5256 03/2023 5330 06/2023 5528 09/2023 5205