date value vard vardd 06/1988 139 title Amounts outstanding at end of period; Net; Other accounts payable; Non-money market financial investment funds; Total (Counterparty sectors) 09/1988 112 narrow cat. Accounts Payable/Receivable ($ million) 12/1988 71 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth 03/1989 76 unit $ Millions 06/1989 80 prices - 09/1989 81 source ABS 12/1989 76 dataset 5232.0 03/1990 78 seriestype Original 06/1990 65 09/1990 64 12/1990 67 03/1991 64 06/1991 67 09/1991 59 12/1991 58 03/1992 51 06/1992 59 09/1992 210 12/1992 176 03/1993 157 06/1993 122 09/1993 22 12/1993 102 03/1994 -22 06/1994 252 09/1994 153 12/1994 180 03/1995 230 06/1995 -84 09/1995 -129 12/1995 -53 03/1996 -98 06/1996 -116 09/1996 -144 12/1996 -404 03/1997 -288 06/1997 -623 09/1997 -620 12/1997 -588 03/1998 -18 06/1998 -206 09/1998 19 12/1998 -129 03/1999 -984 06/1999 -649 09/1999 -117 12/1999 332 03/2000 117 06/2000 -385 09/2000 96 12/2000 -399 03/2001 -203 06/2001 -857 09/2001 -37 12/2001 -149 03/2002 825 06/2002 2349 09/2002 2686 12/2002 2688 03/2003 3219 06/2003 2023 09/2003 1533 12/2003 1025 03/2004 1931 06/2004 1095 09/2004 1503 12/2004 854 03/2005 199 06/2005 1326 09/2005 459 12/2005 1099 03/2006 765 06/2006 607 09/2006 724 12/2006 542 03/2007 777 06/2007 895 09/2007 826 12/2007 863 03/2008 905 06/2008 1198 09/2008 1094 12/2008 988 03/2009 1169 06/2009 834 09/2009 1106 12/2009 1508 03/2010 1519 06/2010 1465 09/2010 1474 12/2010 1789 03/2011 1810 06/2011 1218 09/2011 1640 12/2011 787 03/2012 981 06/2012 758 09/2012 877 12/2012 830 03/2013 5695 06/2013 4461 09/2013 3778 12/2013 2694 03/2014 2913 06/2014 3539 09/2014 3276 12/2014 2831 03/2015 2811 06/2015 2552 09/2015 2511 12/2015 2633 03/2016 2687 06/2016 2376 09/2016 1970 12/2016 1601 03/2017 1409 06/2017 1488 09/2017 1208 12/2017 779 03/2018 869 06/2018 650 09/2018 631 12/2018 574 03/2019 779 06/2019 916 09/2019 736 12/2019 714 03/2020 724 06/2020 845 09/2020 935 12/2020 448 03/2021 1129 06/2021 1223 09/2021 1393 12/2021 1266 03/2022 1251 06/2022 1097 09/2022 1575 12/2022 645 03/2023 787 06/2023 2407 09/2023 792