date value vard vardd 06/1988 0 title Net transactions during period; Public non-financial corporations; National general government 09/1988 -18 narrow cat. Nominal Value of Long Term Loans and Placements Market ($ million) 12/1988 -1 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth 03/1989 -10 unit $ Millions 06/1989 259 prices - 09/1989 -159 source ABS 12/1989 -1388 dataset 5232.0 03/1990 -104 seriestype Original 06/1990 -133 09/1990 165 12/1990 381 03/1991 -75 06/1991 709 09/1991 -73 12/1991 -66 03/1992 -112 06/1992 -110 09/1992 -147 12/1992 -1065 03/1993 -67 06/1993 -65 09/1993 -275 12/1993 -521 03/1994 -43 06/1994 -104 09/1994 -315 12/1994 -23 03/1995 -22 06/1995 1 09/1995 571 12/1995 32 03/1996 34 06/1996 -182 09/1996 -124 12/1996 -53 03/1997 7 06/1997 -121 09/1997 -308 12/1997 -260 03/1998 -251 06/1998 -355 09/1998 740 12/1998 -119 03/1999 -745 06/1999 -159 09/1999 -18 12/1999 -30 03/2000 -28 06/2000 -42 09/2000 -52 12/2000 -65 03/2001 -68 06/2001 -68 09/2001 -17 12/2001 -12 03/2002 -16 06/2002 195 09/2002 -183 12/2002 -732 03/2003 -13 06/2003 85 09/2003 -11 12/2003 -16 03/2004 -13 06/2004 90 09/2004 -47 12/2004 39 03/2005 33 06/2005 -28 09/2005 -362 12/2005 -7 03/2006 -7 06/2006 101 09/2006 -122 12/2006 -9 03/2007 -10 06/2007 -12 09/2007 -1 12/2007 -2 03/2008 -3 06/2008 -8 09/2008 -10 12/2008 -10 03/2009 -11 06/2009 31 09/2009 -8 12/2009 -9 03/2010 -10 06/2010 -9 09/2010 -205 12/2010 -226 03/2011 -176 06/2011 -202 09/2011 -106 12/2011 -105 03/2012 -103 06/2012 -103 09/2012 -30 12/2012 -31 03/2013 -30 06/2013 -31 09/2013 -7 12/2013 -7 03/2014 -7 06/2014 -7 09/2014 -6 12/2014 -7 03/2015 -6 06/2015 2 09/2015 -16 12/2015 -6 03/2016 -5 06/2016 -7 09/2016 -5 12/2016 -5 03/2017 -5 06/2017 -6 09/2017 -5 12/2017 1604 03/2018 2095 06/2018 1816 09/2018 1783 12/2018 1904 03/2019 1591 06/2019 2222 09/2019 2227 12/2019 924 03/2020 1433 06/2020 1800 09/2020 37 12/2020 -3005 03/2021 -5 06/2021 -3306 09/2021 -2331 12/2021 -3506 03/2022 -6 06/2022 -1004 09/2022 -881 12/2022 -5 03/2023 -6 06/2023 -5 09/2023 -6