date value vard vardd 09/1988 -5 title OTHER INVESTMENT, Assets, Insurance, pension, and standardised guarantee schemes, Other sectors, Nonfinancial corporations, households, and NPISHs 12/1988 -20 narrow cat. FINANCIAL ACCOUNT - QUARTER 03/1989 -28 broad cat. Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia 06/1989 -44 unit $ Millions 09/1989 -21 prices - 12/1989 -6 source ABS 03/1990 -33 dataset 5302.0 06/1990 -36 seriestype Original 09/1990 -27 12/1990 -50 03/1991 -20 06/1991 -20 09/1991 5 12/1991 -50 03/1992 -55 06/1992 -63 09/1992 -55 12/1992 6 03/1993 -38 06/1993 -100 09/1993 -64 12/1993 -82 03/1994 -38 06/1994 -107 09/1994 -65 12/1994 -78 03/1995 -100 06/1995 -155 09/1995 -44 12/1995 -64 03/1996 -94 06/1996 -106 09/1996 -82 12/1996 -122 03/1997 -133 06/1997 -175 09/1997 -130 12/1997 -268 03/1998 -190 06/1998 -345 09/1998 -229 12/1998 -109 03/1999 -131 06/1999 -139 09/1999 -56 12/1999 -199 03/2000 -218 06/2000 -335 09/2000 -54 12/2000 -195 03/2001 -810 06/2001 -186 09/2001 41 12/2001 -66 03/2002 15 06/2002 -133 09/2002 -214 12/2002 -115 03/2003 -63 06/2003 -5 09/2003 -44 12/2003 47 03/2004 -74 06/2004 -564 09/2004 -177 12/2004 50 03/2005 -150 06/2005 -282 09/2005 -124 12/2005 -451 03/2006 -350 06/2006 -605 09/2006 -257 12/2006 -405 03/2007 -305 06/2007 -1 09/2007 -50 12/2007 -48 03/2008 -54 06/2008 15 09/2008 -490 12/2008 -862 03/2009 -111 06/2009 277 09/2009 301 12/2009 11 03/2010 302 06/2010 -553 09/2010 375 12/2010 268 03/2011 -177 06/2011 -11 09/2011 -558 12/2011 262 03/2012 -203 06/2012 -149 09/2012 -234 12/2012 -111 03/2013 150 06/2013 -1022 09/2013 -366 12/2013 -570 03/2014 66 06/2014 -93 09/2014 -365 12/2014 -442 03/2015 -344 06/2015 -298 09/2015 -159 12/2015 -139 03/2016 309 06/2016 -86 09/2016 149 12/2016 -230 03/2017 176 06/2017 -469 09/2017 -123 12/2017 -271 03/2018 -544 06/2018 9 09/2018 -205 12/2018 -162 03/2019 -330 06/2019 -129 09/2019 -192 12/2019 -250 03/2020 67 06/2020 -471 09/2020 -308 12/2020 -234 03/2021 -284 06/2021 -500 09/2021 -230 12/2021 -106 03/2022 352 06/2022 -317 09/2022 -34 12/2022 -383 03/2023 -430 06/2023 -294 09/2023 -236