date value vard vardd 09/1985 27.1 title Implicit Price Deflators; Gas, natural and manufactured 12/1985 27.5 narrow cat. EXPORTS BY SITC DIVISION ON A BALANCE OF PAYMENTS BASIS - QUARTER 03/1986 27.7 broad cat. Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia 06/1986 16.4 unit Index Numbers 09/1986 13.2 prices - 12/1986 13 source ABS 03/1987 15 dataset 5302.0 06/1987 15.8 seriestype Original 09/1987 16.7 12/1987 16.7 03/1988 17 06/1988 15.4 09/1988 13.2 12/1988 10.8 03/1989 10.7 06/1989 12.2 09/1989 11.7 12/1989 12 03/1990 12.8 06/1990 13.5 09/1990 12.5 12/1990 16.2 03/1991 25.1 06/1991 19.3 09/1991 14.8 12/1991 15.9 03/1992 17.6 06/1992 15.5 09/1992 16.4 12/1992 19.1 03/1993 18 06/1993 16.4 09/1993 16.8 12/1993 15.6 03/1994 13.8 06/1994 13.4 09/1994 13.1 12/1994 14.1 03/1995 15.3 06/1995 15.5 09/1995 16 12/1995 14.9 03/1996 14.8 06/1996 15.1 09/1996 15.4 12/1996 16.7 03/1997 19.7 06/1997 18.3 09/1997 17.1 12/1997 17.8 03/1998 18.3 06/1998 15.5 09/1998 15 12/1998 15.6 03/1999 15 06/1999 13.8 09/1999 16.8 12/1999 19.9 03/2000 23.5 06/2000 26.4 09/2000 28.5 12/2000 32.7 03/2001 34.1 06/2001 30.1 09/2001 30.8 12/2001 30.7 03/2002 26.3 06/2002 23.9 09/2002 28.2 12/2002 30 03/2003 29.4 06/2003 26.1 09/2003 24.7 12/2003 23 03/2004 21.5 06/2004 22.6 09/2004 25.2 12/2004 25.3 03/2005 24.2 06/2005 25.7 09/2005 28.3 12/2005 32 03/2006 31.5 06/2006 30.7 09/2006 33.4 12/2006 31 03/2007 30.6 06/2007 26.8 09/2007 29 12/2007 34.2 03/2008 37.8 06/2008 41 09/2008 50.1 12/2008 73.3 03/2009 48.5 06/2009 30.9 09/2009 31.8 12/2009 35.3 03/2010 40.5 06/2010 41.9 09/2010 44.4 12/2010 41.6 03/2011 44.6 06/2011 45.4 09/2011 53.8 12/2011 56.2 03/2012 55.7 06/2012 56.9 09/2012 54.5 12/2012 50 03/2013 49 06/2013 56.2 09/2013 58.1 12/2013 57.6 03/2014 68.4 06/2014 67.9 09/2014 70.9 12/2014 76 03/2015 70.1 06/2015 53.4 09/2015 57.3 12/2015 55 03/2016 48.6 06/2016 39.3 09/2016 42.9 12/2016 47.4 03/2017 48.9 06/2017 52.7 09/2017 50.7 12/2017 49.9 03/2018 56.8 06/2018 63 09/2018 71.2 12/2018 77.4 03/2019 78.1 06/2019 64.2 09/2019 68.7 12/2019 67.1 03/2020 70 06/2020 65 09/2020 39.2 12/2020 40.1 03/2021 48.1 06/2021 55.1 09/2021 76.7 12/2021 104.3 03/2022 107.8 06/2022 112.6 09/2022 151.7 12/2022 151.8 03/2023 128.6 06/2023 101.7 09/2023 101.4