date value vard vardd 09/1996 239 title LIABILITIES; Greater than 90 days and up to 6 months; New Zealand dollar 12/1996 113 narrow cat. CURRENCY AND RESIDUAL MATURITY OF FOREIGN DEBT - QUARTER 03/1997 210 broad cat. Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia 06/1997 131 unit $ Millions 09/1997 102 prices - 12/1997 141 source ABS 03/1998 252 dataset 5302.0 06/1998 530 seriestype Original 09/1998 585 12/1998 313 03/1999 285 06/1999 309 09/1999 427 12/1999 344 03/2000 776 06/2000 817 09/2000 449 12/2000 304 03/2001 349 06/2001 163 09/2001 392 12/2001 412 03/2002 656 06/2002 469 09/2002 791 12/2002 236 03/2003 672 06/2003 472 09/2003 970 12/2003 556 03/2004 837 06/2004 829 09/2004 849 12/2004 483 03/2005 549 06/2005 379 09/2005 909 12/2005 2090 03/2006 1895 06/2006 1960 09/2006 4126 12/2006 4080 03/2007 3947 06/2007 4508 09/2007 2191 12/2007 4374 03/2008 4052 06/2008 3627 09/2008 4395 12/2008 5843 03/2009 5912 06/2009 5120 09/2009 2580 12/2009 2861 03/2010 2325 06/2010 2861 09/2010 578 12/2010 505 03/2011 620 06/2011 664 09/2011 886 12/2011 481 03/2012 618 06/2012 764 09/2012 1255 12/2012 489 03/2013 175 06/2013 147 09/2013 1073 12/2013 536 03/2014 1118 06/2014 942 09/2014 712 12/2014 328 03/2015 535 06/2015 917 09/2015 478 12/2015 613 03/2016 1006 06/2016 801 09/2016 459 12/2016 1293 03/2017 1703 06/2017 961 09/2017 1229 12/2017 879 03/2018 955 06/2018 950 09/2018 1356 12/2018 996 03/2019 1220 06/2019 1244 09/2019 1199 12/2019 1273 03/2020 1422 06/2020 1330 09/2020 1477 12/2020 1955 03/2021 1191 06/2021 730 09/2021 844 12/2021 1545 03/2022 1231 06/2022 1156 09/2022 1118 12/2022 3522 03/2023 2888 06/2023 1824 09/2023 1716