date value vard vardd 12/1988 762 title Position at beginning of period; OTHER INVESTMENT, Insurance, pension, and standardised guarantee schemes, Other sectors 03/1989 824 narrow cat. INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT: FOREIGN LIABILITIES - QUARTER 06/1989 896 broad cat. Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia 09/1989 976 unit $ Millions 12/1989 1065 prices - 03/1990 1082 source ABS 06/1990 1053 dataset 5302.0 09/1990 1043 seriestype Original 12/1990 1034 03/1991 1035 06/1991 1031 09/1991 1043 12/1991 1061 03/1992 1042 06/1992 1046 09/1992 1037 12/1992 1032 03/1993 1039 06/1993 1023 09/1993 993 12/1993 1013 03/1994 1035 06/1994 1083 09/1994 1108 12/1994 1212 03/1995 1194 06/1995 1165 09/1995 1188 12/1995 1360 03/1996 1367 06/1996 1400 09/1996 1413 12/1996 1523 03/1997 1555 06/1997 1557 09/1997 1602 12/1997 1738 03/1998 1735 06/1998 1776 09/1998 1796 12/1998 1918 03/1999 1930 06/1999 1947 09/1999 1891 12/1999 1812 03/2000 1852 06/2000 1891 09/2000 1920 12/2000 2022 03/2001 2067 06/2001 2021 09/2001 2025 12/2001 2142 03/2002 2184 06/2002 2209 09/2002 2241 12/2002 2221 03/2003 2269 06/2003 2316 09/2003 2326 12/2003 2352 03/2004 2315 06/2004 2318 09/2004 2346 12/2004 2388 03/2005 2268 06/2005 2233 09/2005 2276 12/2005 1858 03/2006 1865 06/2006 1941 09/2006 1942 12/2006 1584 03/2007 1635 06/2007 1684 09/2007 1859 12/2007 1983 03/2008 1996 06/2008 1912 09/2008 1951 12/2008 1769 03/2009 1682 06/2009 1692 09/2009 1743 12/2009 1781 03/2010 1812 06/2010 1869 09/2010 1840 12/2010 1921 03/2011 1984 06/2011 2121 09/2011 2175 12/2011 2105 03/2012 2139 06/2012 2212 09/2012 2235 12/2012 2268 03/2013 2304 06/2013 2382 09/2013 2424 12/2013 2504 03/2014 2562 06/2014 2580 09/2014 2648 12/2014 2663 03/2015 2749 06/2015 2867 09/2015 2884 12/2015 2853 03/2016 2911 06/2016 2889 09/2016 2977 12/2016 3010 03/2017 3054 06/2017 3153 09/2017 3226 12/2017 3187 03/2018 3275 06/2018 3275 09/2018 3364 12/2018 3418 03/2019 3341 06/2019 3496 09/2019 3600 12/2019 3668 03/2020 3743 06/2020 3611 09/2020 3801 12/2020 3870 03/2021 4481 06/2021 4782 09/2021 5264 12/2021 5444 03/2022 5952 06/2022 5905 09/2022 5358 12/2022 5299 03/2023 5893 06/2023 6430 09/2023 7010