date value vard vardd 09/2009 -2957 title Position at beginning of period; RESERVE ASSETS, Monetary gold, Gold bullion 12/2009 -2905 narrow cat. INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT: FOREIGN ASSETS - QUARTER 03/2010 -3113 broad cat. Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia 06/2010 -3127 unit $ Millions 09/2010 -3747 prices - 12/2010 -3471 source ABS 03/2011 -3551 dataset 5302.0 06/2011 -3575 seriestype Original 09/2011 -3599 12/2011 -4252 03/2012 -3980 06/2012 -4103 09/2012 -4027 12/2012 -4358 03/2013 -4114 06/2013 -3936 09/2013 -3300 12/2013 -3658 03/2014 -3447 06/2014 -3597 09/2014 -3584 12/2014 -3569 03/2015 -3754 06/2015 -3992 09/2015 -3915 12/2015 -4080 03/2016 -3733 06/2016 -4148 09/2016 -4566 12/2016 -4450 03/2017 -4113 06/2017 -4181 09/2017 -4146 12/2017 -4202 03/2018 -4249 06/2018 -4435 09/2018 -4343 12/2018 -4220 03/2019 -4652 06/2019 -4693 09/2019 -5158 12/2019 -5650 03/2020 -4167 06/2020 -6273 09/2020 -5707 12/2020 -6645 03/2021 -5194 06/2021 -5284 09/2021 -6021 12/2021 -6054 03/2022 -6071 06/2022 -6000 09/2022 -6772 12/2022 -6437 03/2023 -5417 06/2023 -7385 09/2023 -6298