date value vard vardd 09/1988 4349 title Position at end of period; DIRECT INVESTMENT, Debt instruments, Direct investor liabilities to direct investment enterprises (reverse investment) 12/1988 5719 narrow cat. INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT: FOREIGN LIABILITIES - QUARTER 03/1989 5552 broad cat. Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia 06/1989 5994 unit $ Millions 09/1989 6939 prices - 12/1989 6988 source ABS 03/1990 7484 dataset 5302.0 06/1990 8230 seriestype Original 09/1990 7584 12/1990 7704 03/1991 7962 06/1991 4479 09/1991 4482 12/1991 5025 03/1992 4686 06/1992 4583 09/1992 5428 12/1992 5800 03/1993 6372 06/1993 6366 09/1993 5498 12/1993 6033 03/1994 5503 06/1994 5031 09/1994 4544 12/1994 4352 03/1995 5598 06/1995 5731 09/1995 5232 12/1995 5302 03/1996 5121 06/1996 3645 09/1996 3557 12/1996 3484 03/1997 3554 06/1997 3481 09/1997 3672 12/1997 3659 03/1998 3182 06/1998 3544 09/1998 4824 12/1998 4879 03/1999 5393 06/1999 5020 09/1999 4911 12/1999 5104 03/2000 5334 06/2000 4922 09/2000 4800 12/2000 6494 03/2001 7784 06/2001 5481 09/2001 6014 12/2001 7379 03/2002 7164 06/2002 6638 09/2002 7946 12/2002 8606 03/2003 8833 06/2003 9637 09/2003 10410 12/2003 9348 03/2004 8659 06/2004 9993 09/2004 8419 12/2004 12127 03/2005 13379 06/2005 15040 09/2005 17302 12/2005 16663 03/2006 17617 06/2006 19362 09/2006 20453 12/2006 21024 03/2007 20445 06/2007 22631 09/2007 21136 12/2007 21615 03/2008 21213 06/2008 19963 09/2008 23457 12/2008 25726 03/2009 22778 06/2009 17721 09/2009 16659 12/2009 16385 03/2010 16941 06/2010 17306 09/2010 16152 12/2010 14559 03/2011 13500 06/2011 11840 09/2011 19209 12/2011 17911 03/2012 14340 06/2012 13448 09/2012 12742 12/2012 14215 03/2013 13485 06/2013 14887 09/2013 14035 12/2013 16499 03/2014 13572 06/2014 10416 09/2014 15695 12/2014 13089 03/2015 17539 06/2015 20139 09/2015 24360 12/2015 27865 03/2016 30363 06/2016 28180 09/2016 27116 12/2016 26608 03/2017 26897 06/2017 27120 09/2017 29475 12/2017 29968 03/2018 29611 06/2018 29589 09/2018 29317 12/2018 21508 03/2019 21252 06/2019 21341 09/2019 22429 12/2019 21222 03/2020 23973 06/2020 23070 09/2020 23215 12/2020 21727 03/2021 23133 06/2021 23441 09/2021 22408 12/2021 22780 03/2022 23307 06/2022 24423 09/2022 25153 12/2022 24674 03/2023 24753 06/2023 25282 09/2023 25592