date value vard vardd 09/2009 -13042 title Position at end of period; RESERVE ASSETS, Other reserve assets, Securities, Debt securities, Long-term 12/2009 -12920 narrow cat. INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT: FOREIGN ASSETS - QUARTER 03/2010 -12652 broad cat. Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia 06/2010 -13961 unit $ Millions 09/2010 -11816 prices - 12/2010 -11236 source ABS 03/2011 -11134 dataset 5302.0 06/2011 -10676 seriestype Original 09/2011 -12058 12/2011 -13472 03/2012 -14375 06/2012 -14000 09/2012 -14202 12/2012 -14650 03/2013 -14712 06/2013 -11214 09/2013 -11841 12/2013 -12496 03/2014 -12068 06/2014 -12291 09/2014 -11348 12/2014 -10455 03/2015 -11279 06/2015 -9087 09/2015 -10974 12/2015 -10583 03/2016 -13856 06/2016 -12033 09/2016 -11089 12/2016 -9511 03/2017 -10721 06/2017 -12388 09/2017 -10684 12/2017 -9416 03/2018 -8803 06/2018 -10039 09/2018 -7458 12/2018 -7690 03/2019 -8322 06/2019 -7538 09/2019 -8160 12/2019 -8267 03/2020 -10893 06/2020 -9749 09/2020 -8843 12/2020 -7635 03/2021 -11971 06/2021 -12191 09/2021 -16363 12/2021 -16697 03/2022 -16317 06/2022 -18037 09/2022 -19048 12/2022 -21295 03/2023 -23105 06/2023 -21973 09/2023 -21774