date value vard vardd 06/1987 266 title Actual Expenditure; Total (State); Buildings and Structures; Financial and Insurance Services 09/1987 292 narrow cat. Actual Expenditure, by Type of Asset and Industry, Trend - Current Prices $m 12/1987 306 broad cat. Private New Capital Expenditure and Expected Expenditure, Australia 03/1988 308 unit $ Millions 06/1988 305 prices Current prices 09/1988 303 source ABS 12/1988 319 dataset 5625.0 03/1989 342 seriestype Trend 06/1989 368 09/1989 392 12/1989 405 03/1990 396 06/1990 358 09/1990 300 12/1990 261 03/1991 251 06/1991 255 09/1991 269 12/1991 272 03/1992 265 06/1992 244 09/1992 223 12/1992 206 03/1993 187 06/1993 176 09/1993 183 12/1993 189 03/1994 193 06/1994 177 09/1994 153 12/1994 160 03/1995 187 06/1995 205 09/1995 182 12/1995 130 03/1996 112 06/1996 145 09/1996 188 12/1996 200 03/1997 184 06/1997 181 09/1997 206 12/1997 226 03/1998 210 06/1998 190 09/1998 191 12/1998 210 03/1999 213 06/1999 178 09/1999 209 12/1999 293 03/2000 372 06/2000 390 09/2000 338 12/2000 273 03/2001 234 06/2001 193 09/2001 185 12/2001 168 03/2002 146 06/2002 133 09/2002 133 12/2002 142 03/2003 163 06/2003 180 09/2003 182 12/2003 177 03/2004 164 06/2004 156 09/2004 155 12/2004 149 03/2005 145 06/2005 134 09/2005 116 12/2005 109 03/2006 115 06/2006 132 09/2006 158 12/2006 167 03/2007 160 06/2007 145 09/2007 132 12/2007 141 03/2008 170 06/2008 206 09/2008 233 12/2008 228 03/2009 188 06/2009 148 09/2009 136 12/2009 142 09/2011 159 03/2012 159 06/2012 175 09/2012 187 12/2012 188 03/2013 180 06/2013 158 09/2013 138 12/2013 135 03/2014 153 06/2014 183 09/2014 221 12/2014 251 03/2015 257 06/2015 240 09/2015 209 12/2015 178 03/2016 157 06/2016 139 09/2016 150 12/2016 179 03/2017 195 06/2017 203 09/2017 214 12/2017 236 03/2018 254 06/2018 272 09/2018 283 12/2018 273 03/2019 242 06/2019 208 09/2019 197 12/2019 196 03/2020 182 06/2020 165 09/2020 146 12/2020 147 03/2021 175 06/2021 202 09/2021 212 12/2021 201 03/2022 177 06/2022 161 09/2022 151 12/2022 150 03/2023 162 06/2023 177 09/2023 189