date value vard vardd 06/1987 3892 title Actual Expenditure; Total (State); Equipment, Plant and Machinery; Non-Mining, including Education and Health 09/1987 4003 narrow cat. Actual Expenditure, by Type of Asset and Industry, Trend - Current Prices $m 12/1987 4171 broad cat. Private New Capital Expenditure and Expected Expenditure, Australia 03/1988 4328 unit $ Millions 06/1988 4451 prices Current prices 09/1988 4609 source ABS 12/1988 4844 dataset 5625.0 03/1989 5082 seriestype Trend 06/1989 5206 09/1989 5141 12/1989 5025 03/1990 4903 06/1990 4790 09/1990 4711 12/1990 4618 03/1991 4493 06/1991 4332 09/1991 4194 12/1991 4147 03/1992 4199 06/1992 4169 09/1992 3967 12/1992 5382 03/1993 4947 06/1993 4854 09/1993 5025 12/1993 5269 03/1994 5613 06/1994 6046 09/1994 6471 12/1994 6735 03/1995 6819 06/1995 6777 09/1995 6651 12/1995 6532 03/1996 7450 06/1996 7357 09/1996 7179 12/1996 7113 03/1997 7269 06/1997 7538 09/1997 7724 12/1997 7775 03/1998 7797 06/1998 7883 09/1998 8083 12/1998 8297 03/1999 8373 06/1999 8332 09/1999 8333 12/1999 8475 03/2000 8721 06/2000 8846 09/2000 8829 12/2000 8694 03/2001 8547 06/2001 8528 09/2001 8655 12/2001 8844 03/2002 9064 06/2002 9275 09/2002 9570 12/2002 9837 03/2003 9947 06/2003 9937 09/2003 9775 12/2003 9512 03/2004 9291 06/2004 9302 09/2004 9617 12/2004 10005 03/2005 10284 06/2005 10599 09/2005 11034 12/2005 11435 03/2006 11644 06/2006 11626 09/2006 11462 12/2006 11401 03/2007 11672 06/2007 11802 09/2007 11891 12/2007 11896 03/2008 12042 06/2008 12309 09/2008 12519 12/2008 12770 03/2009 12890 06/2009 13037 09/2009 13146 12/2009 13015 03/2010 12458 06/2010 11740 09/2010 11427 12/2010 11712 03/2011 12005 06/2011 12059 09/2011 11931 12/2011 11790 03/2012 11536 06/2012 11272 09/2012 11185 12/2012 11210 03/2013 11275 06/2013 11308 09/2013 11345 12/2013 11275 03/2014 11237 06/2014 11411 09/2014 11740 12/2014 12024 03/2015 12086 06/2015 11986 09/2015 11943 12/2015 12014 03/2016 12177 06/2016 12221 09/2016 12065 12/2016 11863 03/2017 11761 06/2017 11782 09/2017 11908 12/2017 12025 03/2018 12217 06/2018 12505 09/2018 12808 12/2018 13043 03/2019 13078 06/2019 12892 09/2019 12681 12/2019 12475 03/2020 12431 06/2020 12390 09/2020 12386 12/2020 12580 03/2021 12946 06/2021 13347 09/2021 13644 12/2021 13830 03/2022 14102 06/2022 14467 09/2022 14947 12/2022 15617 03/2023 16323 06/2023 16897 09/2023 17294