Australian Macro Database

Data List

Active tags:


Narrow Category: Exchange Rates
Broad Category: Exchange Rates - Monthly - July 1969 to December 2009
Initial Date: 11/1980
Latest Date: 12/2009
Freq: Monthly
Unit: SGD
Series Type: Indicative
Prices: -
ID: miermj969d200er

Narrow Category: Exchange Rates
Broad Category: Exchange Rates - Monthly - January 2010 to latest complete month
Initial Date: 29/01/2010
Latest Date: 30/11/2023
Freq: Daily
Unit: SGD
Series Type: Indicative
Prices: -
ID: sdiermj200lcmer

About the AMD

Welcome to the Australian Macro Database (or AMD).

The AMD was created with the intention of centralising all Australian macroeconomic data in one location, making it easier to find the variable that you are after. In addition to improving navigation, the aim of AMD is to also to also facilitate the user's experience with data by providing interactive graphs and instant onscreen tables.

The AMD is greatly influenced by such websites as FRED and Quandl. However, it differs from these two websites by being Australia centric. The AMD's main sources for data are the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA).